With your DaySmart Recreation member account you can sign up for any programs and sessions offered at the rink.
Do NOT use the Sign In button in the upper right corner of this website. Do NOT create an account in Sports Engine. The only correct way to register is through DaySmart Recreation ONLINE REGISTRATION.
You can download DaySmart Recreation on your mobile device by clicking the correct link below:
If you experience trouble logging in to DaySmart or get a blank page when you click the link, try the following:
1. Clear all cache/history in the browser
2. Restart the browser
3. Then retry the link
(If you are in a phone app and getting a blank screen, uninstall and re-install the app)
If the problem persists or you are having other technical difficulties, please contact Dash support@dashplatform.com and explain the issue in detail.
Facility Manager
Phone: 818-333-8000 ext. 318